Wednesday 8 June 2011

naui iyagi ( 나의 이야기 )

 assalamualiakum to all's my follows.. today not much to story.. hurrmmmm,lem me thing 4 a while ? ? ? HAH ! ade ade. td at giat aku talk talk bahasa BOYAN ngan aina. hahahahah ! serious lawak ! dye ajo aku,aku kutuk dye..(standard arrr..laki.suke kaco gurl)..aku always call her "celeng"...msti mgkeme-kem sume terthanye-thanye ape tuh "celeng" an an an ? ? ? ^^..celeng tuh tutttuuuttttt... hahahah.kome carik lah sndri..sape dpt crik aku kasi somethin'..ape bnde nye..secret lah,dear..heheheh..
ade kiteorg main ping pong..trBAEK lah.aku team HARIRI..MUS team ZUL(kentot),sblom aku main,dme main ngn uztaz..all of them leave me..T_T how cruel they r ... (tacink)..malam ni aku akn brsame si dye.. heheeh ! eppppyyy ! :)) (senyum sampe ke telinga)..da lah maleh aku nk tuleh2 ag..nty kunk aku merapu n merepek..ehh,same je lah an merapu n merepek ? hahah.abaikan.. k , salam , t8 care follower's.. amigos ! peace yoo !

 yenuni n dean !
geneg geng TAIKO JAMBU
ubat gig terbaru.. GOALGATE ! hahahah. XD
xtaw nk sembang ape..tgk aje lee..